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2021 Relief Grant Application

Humanities Texas invites Texas museums, libraries, archives, historic sites, and other humanities-focused nonprofits affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to apply immediately for operating or programming relief funding. These 2021 Relief Grants are primarily intended for general operational funds and eligible institutional costs. Organizations whose missions are not principally humanities-focused may only apply for 2021 Relief Grants to develop and administer public humanities programming.

Our 2021 Relief Grants are made possible by the National Endowment for the Humanities as part of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 approved by the U.S. Congress and signed into law on March 11, 2021.

The application deadline is September 3, 2021. For more information about eligibility, allowable costs, grant amounts, and funding priorities, please see the guidelines page.


Call 512.440.1991 or email with any questions about the 2021 Relief Grant application.


As the person filling out the online application, please provide the following information. You may browse through the application prior to registering; however, you will not be able to enter any data until you have registered. Once you REGISTER, the application will appear immediately, and you may begin.

You will receive an email from with a link to your application. You may save your application for later and revisit it as often as you wish by clicking on this link. Please retain this email throughout the application process until your grant application is submitted.

Please provide your phone number without any accompanying symbols (e.g., 5124401991).
Are you also one of the following?
How did you learn of this funding opportunity?
How did you learn of this funding opportunity?
Register to continue filling out the application.

Sponsoring Organization

This information pertains to the nonprofit organization that will receive and administer the grant. The sponsoring organization must be an accredited nonprofit that has tax-exempt status from the IRS. An organization may not apply as a fiscal sponsor with the intention of regranting the award to a different organization.

Please provide the phone number without any accompanying symbols (e.g., 5124401991).
Please enter the web address beginning with "http://" or "https://".
Enter n/a if you do not have a website.
Please enter the organization's Facebook web address beginning with "http://" or "https://".
Please enter the organization's Instagram handle (optional).
Please enter the organization's Twitter handle (optional).
Please enter the number without any hyphens.
Please enter the number without any hyphens.
If you are registered in the federal System for Award Management, please enter your Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code.
Is the sponsoring organization currently suspended or debarred?
If so, please explain:
Is the sponsoring organization currently delinquent on federal debt?
If so, please explain:

Authorizing Official

The authorizing official is the representative of the sponsoring organization, most often the chief executive officer, who has authority to submit the grant application on behalf of the organization. This person may NOT serve as the project director or the fiscal officer.

Sponsoring Organization Address
Please provide the phone number without any accompanying symbols (e.g., 5124401991).

Project Director

The Project Director is responsible for the management of the grant. The project director also serves as liaison with Humanities Texas and is responsible for submitting event information, the final evaluation form, and, if applicable, any grant adjustments or revised budgets. This person may NOT serve as the authorizing official or fiscal officer.

Sponsoring Organization Address
Please provide the phone number without any accompanying symbols (e.g., 5124401991).

Fiscal Officer

The fiscal officer, typically an organization’s bookkeeper or accountant, is responsible for accounting for the grant funds. This person may NOT serve as the authorizing official or project director.

Sponsoring Organization Address
Please provide the phone number without any accompanying symbols (e.g., 5124401991).

Organization Details

Mission Statement

Provide your organization's official mission statement below.

Humanities Mission

Explain how your organization's mission relates to the humanities. Be sure to address the following question:

  • How do humanities studies, humanities fields, and/or humanities topics factor into your work?

Questions? Please visit our guidelines page.

Humanities Programming

Provide detailed descriptions of your organization's most significant public humanities programs and how those programs serve public audiences. Be sure to answer the following questions:

  • What are your organization's most meaningful/popular/successful public humanities programs?
  • What are the purposes and/or goals of these programs?
  • How does your organization ensure that its programs serve public audiences in Texas? You may provide examples of specific programs, methods, or initiatives that enable you to reach public audiences.

We ask these questions to gauge your eligibility for operational funding per NEH guidelines. If you cannot demonstrate that public humanities programming is a central part of your organization's mission, please email us at to discuss your application before proceeding.

Annual Operating Budget in FY2020

Audiences Served

What was your total estimated annual audience for your public humanities programs before 2020?
What was your total estimated audience for in-person humanities programming in 2020?
What was your total estimated audience for virtual humanities programming in 2020?
Please describe the audience you serve with humanities programming. If applicable, describe any specific audience(s) your organization serves and ways you are reaching those audiences. (e.g., veterans, rural populations, seniors, communities of color, K–12 students, low-income individuals, currently/formerly incarcerated persons, LGBTQ+ individuals, currently/formerly houseless persons, disabled individuals).
Please describe any recent efforts to reach new audiences with humanities programming.

Grant Period

The grant period should encompass all project activities, from early planning to final wrap up. All project expenditures must take place within the grant period. In other words, the budget submitted with the application must correspond with your grant period. All 2021 Relief Grant periods must begin on 9/1/2021 and end on the last day of the month within the available grant period end date range of 12/31/2021–12/31/2022. For example, if your project will end on 3/12/2022 the end date must be 3/31/2022.

All grant periods must begin on 9/1/2021.
Your grant period may not end before 12/31/2021 or after 12/31/2022.


Tier One organizations may apply for a maximum of $12,000. Tier Two organizations may apply for a maximum of $20,000.
Describe how your organization was negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to be eligible to receive funds, you must show that your organization has suffered hardship as a result of COVID-19. This may include loss of significant revenue, loss of staff, difficulty paying rent or mortgage, inability to serve target audience(s), and/or risk of closure.
Describe how 2021 Relief Grant funds will alleviate the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on your organization. What significance will this grant have on your organization's operating capacity? What significance will this grant have on your organization's capacity to provide humanities programs to public audiences?
If you are requesting funds for humanities programming, please provide details including program title, program dates, and a brief description of the specific program(s).
Type N/A if you do not plan to apply for humanities programming.
Which of the organization's income streams were disrupted in 2020? Select all that apply:
If the organization had any other disrupted income streams in 2020, please describe them here.

Estimate your organization's total expenses and income for 2019, 2020, and 2021.

2019 2020 2021
If you operate a facility that is open to the public, how many months were you closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic?
As of August 1, 2021, what is the status of your operations?
Please explain your answer:
Select all that apply:
Please briefly explain the other sources of funding you are seeking or have received. Suggested Word Limit: 250 words.

Staffing Impact

As of January 1, 2020, how many of each of the following did your organization have?

As of August 1, 2021, how many of each of the following did your organization have?

Has compensation to staff been impacted due to the COVID-19 pandemic?
If so, please explain:

How many jobs do you anticipate a 2021 Relief Grant will allow you to preserve or sustain due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Round to the nearest whole number.

How many jobs do you anticipate will be created with a 2021 Relief Grant?

If there is any information that we have not requested, but that you feel is important for Humanities Texas to know when evaluating your application, please provide it here.


Please review the guidelines for information on eligibility before proceeding. Add a line for each individual budget item request. Title each line item and include the corresponding request amount. Each line item should then be explained in the budget justification section for each category. Applications with clear budget requests and justifications are more likely to be awarded.

Organizations that are not humanities focused cannot request funds to cover operating costs. See the guidelines for discussion of what makes an organization "humanities focused." If you have questions, please email our staff at to discuss your award eligibility. Applications that request operating costs without demonstrating eligibility may be denied outright.


Request funds for part-time or full-time personnel who support your general operations, humanities programs, new humanities activities, and/or strategic planning. Add one line for each personnel request.

Expense/Explanation Grant Request Total
Total: USD 0.00 USD 0.00
Please provide an explanation for each line item included in the budget category above.


Request funds for technical/professional consultants who support your humanities programs, new humanities activities, and/or strategic planning. This category should also be used to request honoraria for program speakers/lecturers/presenters. Add one line for each consultant request.

Expense/Explanation Grant Request Total
Total: USD 0.00 USD 0.00
Please provide an explanation for each line item included in the budget category above.


Request funds for supplies for your general operations, humanities programs, and/or new humanities activities. Individual items that are worth $5,000 or more are considered “Equipment” and are not eligible for Relief Grant support. Add one line for each supply request.

Expense/Explanation Grant Request Total
Total: USD 0.00 USD 0.00
Please provide an explanation for each line item included in the budget category above.


Request funds for the promotion of your general operations, humanities programs, and/or new humanities activities. Add one line for each individual promotion/advertising request.

Expense/Explanation Grant Request Total
Total: USD 0.00 USD 0.00
Please provide an explanation for each line item included in the budget category above.


Request other eligible costs that are not part of the previous budget categories. Other funds for operating costs may include: rent, utilities, insurance, web domain fees, shipping, and program/software subscriptions. Other humanities programs/activities costs may include: rentals, exhibition fabrication, and program/software fees. Add one line for each request.

Expense/Explanation Grant Request Total
Total: USD 0.00 USD 0.00
Please provide an explanation for each line item included in the budget category above.


Tax-Exempt Status

Attach the sponsoring organization’s determination letter from the IRS confirming its tax-exempt status.

Files must be less than 15.00 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.

Letters of Support and Additional Materials

You may include up to five additional items with your application, all in PDF format. Such items include letters of support, program agendas, exhibition scripts, and scripts or script treatments for media projects.

Letters of support should be addressed to the Humanities Texas Grants Review Committee. Letters can serve a range of purposes. The Committee prefers to see letters of support from individuals not affiliated with or listed in the grant application to illustrate wider support for the project.

Please contact the Humanities Texas grants staff if you have questions about letters of support or other possible items to include with your application.

Files must be less than 15.00 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.


Email or schedule a phone call with our grants team. Please see the Zoom scheduling option below if a video call is preferred.

Join our Webinars

We will hold weekly webinars to discuss 2021 Relief Grants and the application process.

Zoom Meetings

These video calls are best suited for applicants who need a walkthrough of the application or help with technical issues.